BVI is an independent country with a fairly high standard of living.英属维尔京群岛是一个具有相当高水准的生活独立的国家。 Therefore, it avoided entering any information-sharing agreements with foreign countries or organizations for exchange of financial aid.因此,它避免进入财政援助的交换与外国国家或组织的任何信息共享协议。 Client confidentiality is robustly enshrined in the BVI corporate and business legislation.客户机密是鲁棒铭刻在英属维尔京群岛公司和商业法规。
BVI is easily accessible by sea and air, has modern telecommunications and is on US Eastern Standard Time (1 hour behind EST in winters).英属维尔京群岛是由海上和空中容易获得,拥有现代化的通讯和美国东部标准时间(美国东部时间1小时后在冬季)的。
Exemption from tax税款的豁免
A BVI Business Company is exempt from the BVI income tax, the same exemption applies to all dividends, interest, rents, royalties, compensations and other amounts paid by a company, and all capital gains realised with respect to any shares, debt obligations or other securities of the company.酒店LOGO设计一个英属维尔京群岛商业公司是由英属维尔京群岛免征所得税,同样的豁免适用于所有股息,利息,租金,特许权使用费,补偿和公司其他已数额,以及所有资本就任何股票,债务或其他已实现收益证券公司。 No estate, inheritance, succession or gift tax is payable with respect to any shares, debt obligations or other securities of a BVI BC.没有遗产,继承,继承或赠与税税额就任何股票,债务或其他证券公元前英属维尔京群岛。 All transactions and instruments relating to transfers of any type of property of assets, shares, debt obligations or securities to or by a BVI BC are exempt from the stamp duty, with a sole exception for land-ownership transactions in the British Virgin Islands, in which case stamp duty remains payable.所有交易和文书有关的任何资产,股票,债务或或由英属维尔京群岛公元前证券从物业类型转移印花税豁免,具有土地所有权交易,英属维尔京群岛唯一的例外,这种情况下,仍然支付印花税。
Legal personality法人资格
A British Virgin Islands Business Company has separate legal personality and the same powers as a natural person.一个英属维尔京群岛商业公司有独立的法人资格和自然人相同的权力。
Confidentiality is one of the key features of the BVI Business Company as details of the company beneficial owners, directors and shareholders are NOT part of public record.保密是英属维尔京群岛商业公司的关键,作为公司的详细功能实益拥有人,董事和股东是不属于公共记录之一。 Register of Members, Register of Directors and all Minutes and Resolutions by the Company are kept only at the offices of the Registered Agent in complete confidentiality.股东名册,董事及所有会议的决议,由公司登记保存只能在完全保密的注册代理机构。 Certainly, though, these files are available for inspection to Company shareholders.当然,酒店LOGO设计虽然这些文件是可检验,以公司股东。
The only documents held on public record are the Memorandum and Articles of Association, but these normally do not contain any indication as to the actual shareholders, directors or the beneficial owners of the company.公开记录持有的那些文件是大纲及章程,但这些通常不包含以实际股东,董事或公司的实益拥有的任何迹象。
At the same time, if the owners of the company so wish, the Register of Directors and/or the Register of Members may be filed with the Registrar of Companies.在同一时间内,如果公司的所有者愿意的话,董事及注册/或股东名册可以提交给公司注册处处长。 Such step may be desirable if a complete certainly must be achieved and showed publicly as to the actual identities of the Company managers or members - but, again, this is purely optional.这样的步骤可能是可取的,如果一定要一个完整的实现和公开表明其对本公司管理酒店LOGO设计人员或成员的真实身份 - 但是,同样,这纯粹是可选的。
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