Posted on贴在 March 3, 20102010年3月3日,||Category:类别: UK Brand Logos英国商标
How is your你brand品牌going to evolve in 2010?在演化在2010年?This is a question that every would-be successful business owner must ask in order to move forward. 这是一个问题,每个想成为成功的老板必须问为了向前。Markets change, and your brand must change with them. 市场的变化,和你的品牌必须改变。For many businesses, modifying their brand to appeal to a constantly changing customer base involves expanding their line of goods.对于许多企业、修改他们的品牌诉诸不断变化的客户群包括扩大自己的巴彦淖尔盟酒店VI设计公司商品。
Sarah Rogers, who runs a handmade jewellery business, is one small business owner who is using this principle with great success.莎拉·罗杰斯,谁跑的珠宝生意,是手工制作的小企业主谁利用这个原理与巨大的成功。Her Dragon and Phoenix range offered relatively inexpensive products that initially were big sellers. 她有龙、凤范围相对便宜的产品,提供最初都是大卖家。However, sales began to slow down. 然而,销售开始缓慢下来。Rogers noticed that people were still buying, but buying less with every purchase. 巴彦淖尔盟酒店VI设计公司罗杰斯发现人们还购买,但每次购买买少用。Her answer was to expand her offerings so that customers would be more likely to buy several items at a time.她的回答是扩大她的祭牲,客户将更有可能买几个项目。
Rogers continued offering her Dragon and Phoenix brand, but added a higher cost Sarah Rogers Signature line.罗杰斯继续提供她有龙、凤品牌,但增加了一个更高的费用,莎拉·罗杰斯签名就行了。These jewellery items are intended as ‘milestone purchases’, to mark special occasions. 这些珠宝项目的目的是作为“里程碑”,纪念购买特殊场合。With this higher end line in place, Rogers felt more comfortable adding a few less expensive pieces to her Dragon and Phoenix line to woo the value-oriented shopper.这个高端,线的地方,罗杰斯感觉更舒适的增加少一些价格昂贵,她有龙、凤线争取以价值为导向的购物者。
The result is that people who walk into Rogers’ shop have a large range of goods to choose from.结果是,那些走进·罗杰斯的商店有大量的各种各样的商品可供选择。If they are looking for a special gift, the signature line is there. 如果他们正在寻找一种特殊的天赋,在签名栏。If they want a less expensive impulse purchase, they have options as well. 如果他们想要一个便宜的冲动,他们可以选择购买。Because these items are in separate ranges, each with its own brand and因为这些物品在分开的范围,每一个都有自己的品牌logo design巴彦淖尔盟酒店标志设计公司, the expanded line of goods does not diminish either brand.,扩大商品并不会抹杀或品牌。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)
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