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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-06-27 22:48:39 查看次数:

果洛藏族自治州酒店VI设计这将允许建立一个果洛藏族自治州酒店品牌和身份Fluidity.流动性。While而London Brand伦敦品牌is a city on the go, the old UK museum logo design had a traditional square shape that seemed anchored in place. 是一个城市去,老英国博物馆标识语设计了传统的方形看起来锚定在的地方。The use of the colour blue in the new logo combined with the wavy edges of the image create a feeling of movement and flow that certainly represent the city more accurately.蓝色的使用在新商标结合波浪边的形象创造了一种感觉,运动和流程,当然代表这个城市定位更准确。

Uniqueness.是独一无二的。Having a one of a kind logo is essential to building an有一种很好的标志的建立是必要的UK corporate identity英国社团的身份, and this is yet another area in which the old Museum of London logo fell short. ,这是另一个地区的老伦敦博物馆标识功亏一篑。The use of upper case text with serifs inside a square seems to be a very traditional, and very overused, way of approaching logo design. 使用大写字母文本在一个方形serifs似乎是一个非常传统的方式,而且非常过度,接近logo的设计。The new logo is not comparable to any other logo in the world, and thus will allow the museum to build a unique personality with this image as its centrepiece.新商标却不逊于世界上的任何其他的标志,因此将允许博物馆建立一个独特的个性与这一形象为核心。

Personality.个性。The old Museum of London logo design always seemed a little subdued for a lively place like London. 旧的伦敦博物馆标识语设计总是显得有些柔和的地方,像伦敦为生动活泼。The new logo has an energy and a flavour that better represents the feeling that infuses London.新商标有一个能量和味的感觉,更能代表着伦敦。

Versatility.无所不能。The Museum of London has already begun to use versions of this logo in extensions of the Museum, which allows each part of the museum to have a unique伦敦博物馆已经开始使用的版本的扩展,这个标志在博物馆,它允许的每一个部位都有一个独特的博物馆brand品牌that nonetheless ties into the parent company. 联系到,但同时母公司。This will allow the museum to build a brand and an identity in a way that simply would not have been possible with the older, blander logo.果洛藏族自治州酒店VI设计这将允许建立一个果洛藏族自治州酒店品牌和身份,根本就不可能与年龄的增长,搅拌器打开的标志。

This logo design is still relatively new, so there is no failsafe way of predicting whether it will match or exceed the performance of its predecessor. 这个标志设计仍相对较新的病毒,所以没有发生的预测是否会达到或超越其前任的性能。However, this is a powerful logo design, with a unique flavour and a colourful presence that equals that of the city it represents. 然而,这是一个功能强大的标识语设计,用一种独特的风味和一个色彩缤纷的存在相当于城市的代表。These aspects will give the new Museum of London logo the chance that it deserves.这些方面将新伦敦博物馆标识的机会,是值得的。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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