Posted on贴在 August 20, 20102010年8月20日||Category:类别: UK Brand Logos英国商标
New Heineken新烟台Brand品牌to Come来: Few beers pay as much attention to branding as worldwide alcohol giant Heineken. :几杯啤酒像注重品牌,全球巨型喜力啤酒酒精。In keeping with this, the company seems to go through advertising and branding agencies the way many companies go through reams of paper. 以人为本,以保持公司似乎就通过广告的方式和品牌代理许多烟台酒店标志设计公司经过大量纸张。In a bold and unexpected turn, Heineken’s advertising and marketing will be given from The Red Brick Road to Bartle Bogle Hegarty.在一个大胆的和意想不到的转,喜力啤酒的广告和营销将给予Bartle红砖宝格先生Hegarty道路。
Heineken has been looking to streamline their marketing by bringing all of their global brands under a single umbrella. 喜力眼巴巴烟台酒店标志设计精简营销将他们所有的国际烟台酒店VI品牌在一个单一的伞。This will include diverse aspects such as multiple nations’ sales, football sponsorships, and other brand aspects. 这将包括多方面如多发性国家的销售,足球赞助、和其他品牌的方面。Brand visuals may also be changed, as the company is looking to consolidate into a single visual identity and tagline.品牌的视觉也要随之变化,因为该公司正期待合并成一个单一的视觉识别和标语。
Under The Red Brick Road, Heineken has undergone several interesting changes. 在红色砖路、喜力经历了几个有趣的变化。From several humourous advertisements to the recent ‘Know the Signs’ campaign that encourages responsible and legal drinking, the company has a well-rounded brand that is seen as a little more adult and mature than the competition.从几个幽默广告知道最近的征兆”活动,鼓励负责任和法定喝酒,公司有丰富的品牌被认为是成人和成熟一点优于竞争对手。
Because of the most recent responsibility campaign, Heineken is slowly gaining prominence as a more adult choice. 因为最近的责任,同时喜力啤酒是慢慢地上升运动突出,作为一个更成熟的烟台酒店标志设计选择。Encouraging people to recognize when they have had enough and cut themselves off at that point would certainly affect the landscape of pubs all over London and the UK. 鼓励人们认识到当他们有足够的和把自己割掉了那点一定会影响景观酒吧在伦敦和英国。However, it should be noted that this message may be waster on the average, out-for-a-good-time drinker.然而,需要注意的是,这个消息可能是浪费,out-for-a-good-time平均酗酒者。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)
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