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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-08 20:26:49 查看次数:


Posted on贴在 September 15, 20102010年9月15日||Category:类别: UK Brand Logos英国商标
There are few businesses in the world as well branded as Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH). 很少有企业在世界被轩尼诗(LVMH路易威登位居)。Everyone recognizes the brands and每个人都了解,若想忻州酒店广告设计品牌logo design标志设计s associated with this company, especially the iconic Louis Vuitton logo. 年代与本公司联系,特别是标志性的路易威登的标志。However, the company is taking branding to a new level by launching a new online magazine called Nowness in the UK and all over the world.然而,公司正以品牌到一个新的水平,达到了一个新的在线杂志称为Nowness在英国和世界各地。

This is an especially apt move for the upscale lifestyle brand. 这是一个特别倾向于高档的生活方式品牌的转会。Many of the people who buy LVMH brands, or merely dream of buying them, purchase and read other fashion magazines. 许多人买路威酩轩品牌,或仅仅是梦想购买、购买和阅读其他时尚杂志。Offering these masses a free magazine that is also free of advertisement from competing brands is nothing short of brilliant. 免费提供这些大众杂志是免费的忻州酒店广告设计广告品牌竞争简直辉煌。The exposure that this gives the company logo design and曝光这使公司标识语设计和brand品牌will be completely worth the effort and expense.将会是完全值得付出努力和费用。

There has been an ongoing debate on the growing lack of distinction between editorial and promotional content in fashion magazines, as these magazines more and more are embracing promotional content as a way to improve their bottom line. 已经有日益增多的争论缺乏区分宣传内容编辑和时尚杂志,这些杂志,越来越多的人接受促销内容作为一种方法来改善他们的底线。Because this content is not always marked as such, the effect on the customer is much more dramatic. 因为这个内容并不总是这样,明显影响顾客的多。This new LVMH magazine promises to remove the line between the two altogether. 这个新的路威酩轩杂志承诺清除两个完全之间的界线。Another line about to be blurred is the line between reader and consumer, as people who turn to Nowness for fashion and lifestyle inspiration will be inundated with LVMH brands and logo designs.另一条线路上去就要之间的界限模糊,读者和消费者转向Nowness人对生活与时尚灵感会被淹没在LVMH品牌和忻州酒店广告设计标志设计。



阳泉酒店杂志设计 这种感觉是一个高的时尚阳泉酒店杂志

Like all successful magazines, Nowness will have a brand and logo design, one that is consistent with that of its parent company. 像所有的成功的杂志,Nowness将有一个品牌和标识语设计,一个是一致的母公司。The logo design is simply the name written in a thin, unassuming font. 阳泉酒店杂志设计标志设计的名字写在仅仅是一种薄的,谦逊的字体。This is consistent with LVMH, a business that includes many sub-companies with text-only logos. 这是符合路威酩轩,业务,包括许多子公司与纯文本标识。The website is minimalist and uncluttered, which also is consistent with the LVMH brand. 简和整齐的网站,这也符合集团品牌。White space and stark black and white colour schemes create a simple yet high quality ethos. 空白和鲜明的黑色和白色方案创建一个简单的但高质量的风气。The feeling is that of a high fashion magazine and decidedly un-promotional. 这种感觉是一个高的时尚杂志un-promotional和果断。It is highly likely that many potential customers will begin to let their guard down and trust Nowness as yet another source of fashion inspiration, although this fashion inspiration will be oriented solely toward LVMH brands.这是最可能的许多潜在客户就会开始让他们的警惕和信任Nowness还另一种时尚灵感,尽管这一时尚灵感会导向仅仅向路威酩轩阳泉酒店杂志设计品牌。

The brand and logo design need to be simple because the magazine will be versatile and cover a wide range of products and subjects. 品牌和标识语设计应该简单因为杂志将多才多艺、涵盖广泛的阳泉酒店杂志设计和主题。The planned content will include art, architecture, and of course fashion. 计划内容包括艺术、建筑、当然时尚。A team of contributors from all over the globe collaborate to bring a cohesive yet well-rounded experience. 一组作者从世界各地合作带来一个紧密联系的全面发展的经验。然而This will keep readers checking in regularly for the latest news and prevent a stale feeling from setting in.这样会使读者定期检查的最新消息,防止一个陈旧的感觉从设置。

While few companies could afford to launch such a complex and far reaching project, this example only shows the effectiveness of non-traditional advertising in the modern marketplace. 虽然很少有公司能负担得起推出这样一个复杂和深远的项目,这个例子只是展示了非传统广告的有效性在现代市场。The only way to survive in today’s market is to look for ways to set your brand apart from the competition. 生存的唯一途径在今天的市场上是寻找方式设置你的品牌在竞争中脱颖而出。Looking for unique branding opportunities on a scale more suited to your business’s scope and budget is essential to getting your brand and logo design into your customers’ view.寻找独特的品牌机会进行规模更符合您的业务的范围和预算必须得到你的品牌和标识语设计进你的客户的阳泉酒店杂志设计观点。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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