Posted on贴在 October 15, 20102010年10月15日||Category:类别: Marketing营销
Tic Tac and The X Factor may seem like unlikely partners, but they indeed are teaming up to reach young customers in the UK. 抽搐Tac和X因素似乎不太可能,但他们确实伙伴人流量达到年轻的顾客在英国。This is an excellent example of how co-branding can be used to promote brands and market to difficult to reach audiences.这是一个很好的例子,如何品牌可以用来提升品牌和市场难以到达的观众。
The concept of co-branding is simple. 品牌的概念很简单。Two separate brands team up for a promotion and work together. 两个独立的品牌提升和团结在一起工作。Customers see the two names and看到这两个名字和客户logo design标志设计s together and begin to associate them. s在一起,开始联系他们。If co-branding partners are chosen carefully, this can be a great marketing opportunity for everyone involved.如果是仔细挑选品牌合作夥伴,这是一个巨大的市场机遇人人参与。
In this case, people who buy specially marked packages of Tic Tac mints have the chance to win tickets to the highly rated show and its subsequent tour featuring favourites from the show. 在这种情况下,人们买特别明显包抽搐Tac薄荷糖有机会赢得比赛的门票,高等级的显示,以及随后出现的热门旅游特色。Two pairs of tickets will be given out every week, with the promotion having begun on September 1st.深圳酒店VI设计两双门票将会给每个星期,促进在已经开始在年9月1st。
A partnership like this is less effective if no one knows about it, but both companies are doing what they can to get word out. 这样的合作更为有效,如果没有人知道这件事,但是这两家公司正全力得到词。In addition to the markings on packages and in store advertisements, outdoor and digital campaigns will be used to promote the contests. 除了这些标记在包装上的广告和商店、户外及数字的活动,会被用来促进竞争。Because promoting this partnership is crucial, Tic Tac may spend as much as £5 million dollars this year.因为这样的伙伴关系是至关重要的,促进Tic尽可能多的Tac可能要花£500万美元一年。
What can both brands gain from this venture? 两个品牌能获得这次冒险吗?Because Tic Tac is trying to reach young adult and teen audiences, partnering with a television show that is popular with these groups can be an excellent move. 因为抽搐Tac是试图接近和十几岁的青少年观众,通过与一个电视节目深受这样的群体可以成为一个出色的移动。Meanwhile, the X Factor is getting additional exposure by associating their name and logo design with a product used by teenagers all over the UK.与此同时,X因素是通过将获得额外曝光各自的名字和标志设计与产品使用全英国青少年。
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