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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-18 21:27:54 查看次数:

What makes up the North and North West London brand? 成都酒店VI设计与伦敦北部和西北部的酒店品牌吗?If you look at the website, a gentle lavender gives a feminine feeling that balances the modern feeling of the stark white and plain writing. 如果你看看这个网站,柔和的淡紫色给女性觉得平衡现代感严峻的白色和质朴的写作。Ease of use is also a key value of the site, which is organised to allow customers to access almost any part of the site from a relatively small front page. 容易使用是也是一个核心价值的地点,组织,让客户访问几乎这个地点的任何部分从一个相对较小的首页。State of the art tools and extras make it easy to explore the area and its real estate from the comfort of your office chair.工具的现状和额外的方便探索其房地产面积和舒适的办公室的椅子上。

In addition to showcasing property from the upmarket area, Fabricproperty.com offers insights into the UK real estate market, tips for decorating the high end home, and special ‘focus’ sections that examine specific areas within the district. 此外,展示这些特性高档地区,Fabricproperty.com提供洞察英国房地产市场,提示为装饰高端家庭,特殊的焦点'检视特定区域的部分地区。Fabricproperty.com is indeed a one stop website for anyone who is interested in what it is like to live in North and North West London.Fabricproperty.com确实是一个一站式网站,凡是有兴趣如同居住在北美和北西伦敦。

The overall message is that people who spend the high price for a home in this area are getting more than a ritzy address. 整体要传达的信息是:人有多高的价格为家在这个地区正在超过一个时尚的地址。Unique homes with a variety of architecture abound. 独特的家庭都有各种各样的建筑的人。Sparkly and newly remodelled interiors beg for the most modern interior design. 和新改建的内部忽闪忽闪的乞求最现代的室内设计。Glittering lifestyles that match the real estate are the norm, and interviews with the celebrities that call the area home are included on the website on a regular basis.闪闪发光的生活方式相适应的房地产是常态,而采访名人,该地区包括电话回家在网站上进行定期检查。

However, branding is not the only benefit to a website such as this. 成都酒店VI设计然而,品牌不是唯一的好处给网站如这样的。People can see immediately whether the lifestyle and real estate available in the area suits their lifestyle needs. 是否人们马上就能看到的生活和在该地区房地产提供适合自己的生活方式的需要。Just as important, the search functions throughout the site allow prospective buyers to see the type and amount of real estate that they can afford. 同样重要的是,在整个网站的搜索功能允许潜在买主看到的类型和数量的房地产,他们可以负担得起的。This can help with branding, but also keep real estate agents from wasting their time on people who either cannot afford the area’s real estate or aren’t interested in the type of lifestyle that the area has to offer.这可以帮助提高网站的知名度,但也使房地产代理人浪费他们的时间的人在该地区要么负担不起的房地产或不感兴趣的这种类型的生活方式,这一地区提供。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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