拉萨酒店LOGO设计 有几个原因这个拉萨酒店新标识语设计被选中There are several reasons this new logo design was chosen over its predecessor. 拉萨酒店LOGO设计有几个原因这个新标识语设计被选中,在它的前身。The people in charge felt that it best portrayed the support and affection of the many Qatari fans. 负责人认为最好将支持和爱你的许多卡塔尔的球迷。Further, it had a different sort of Middle Eastern flair, specifically a more modern feeling rather than an ancient architectural sensibility.进一步,它有一种独特的风格,特别是中东更现代的感觉,而不是一个古老的建筑情感。
Both logos are decidedly Middle Eastern, although they are otherwise very different. 两个理念十分中东,尽管他们否则非常不同。One is serious and patterned, while the other is jubilant and celebratory. 一个严重的和有图案的,另一种是快乐、庆祝。While there is certainly something to be said for the graphic sensibility of the original, the new one is emotional and compelling in a very different way.虽然的确有一些如此敏感的原有的图形,这所新房子是情感方面的,而且是在一个非常不同的方式令人信服。
Football fans all over the globe are watching the World Cup bidding process this year due to the large amount of bidding teams. 世界各地球迷看世界杯今年投标过程中由于大量的招标的队伍。Will Qatar’s modern logo bring a World Cup to the Middle East for the first time? 卡塔尔的现代标志将带来一份世界杯中东是第一次吗?Only time will tell. 只有时间会说明一切。However, Qatar feels like a solid choice due to the fact that they are from a region of the world where football is popular, but nonetheless one that has never hosted a World Cup.然而,卡塔尔感觉上像一个固体选择是因为他们是在这个世界上的一个区,拉萨酒店LOGO设计但是足球是受欢迎的,但是一个从未举办世界杯。
A strong一个强大的brand品牌and national presence is necessary in order to secure this event. 和国家的存在是必要的,以确保此事件。With a logo design that can serve as the basis of a brand that football fans can believe in, Qatar seems likely to be selected or at least be a strong runner up.拉萨酒店LOGO设计与标志设计,可以作为一个品牌的基础上,球迷可以相信,卡塔尔似乎有可能被选择或者至少是一个强大的马拉松。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)
企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )