日喀则酒店设计 Landfit得到配有一个标志
Posted on贴在 November 5, 20102010年11月5日,||Category:类别: UK Brand Logos英国商标
||Photo/Logo Credit照片/标志设计信用
Let’s face it: land is at a premium in many areas of the UK. 面对现实吧:土地是宝贵的在
许多地区的英国。There just isn’t enough space in many British cities for even the most
interested parties to grow a tiny functional garden. 就没有足够的空间在许多英国城市,就连
最利害关系方小花园。成长功能At the same time, good design often seems to be at a premium
as well. 与此同时,良好的设计似乎常常被溢价。Everywhere we look, we see logos that
clearly were not designed with the thought and care that they deserve. 我们看到,我们看到
到处都是理性清楚没有被日喀则酒店设计设计思想和关怀,他们应得的报应。For this reason, we were very happy
to see the Landfit logo. 因为这个原因,我们都很高兴Landfit标志。Not only does this这种情
况不仅logo design标志设计use some of the most interesting and modern design concepts we
have seen this year, it represents a company that aims to help make land more freely
available to people who simply don’t have it.日喀则酒店设计一些最有趣的和现代的日喀则设计理念,我们已经
What is Landfit? 什么是Landfit吗?Understanding this company is key to understanding why
its logo design is so appropriate. 了解本公司是其关键是要理解为什么中国那么适当的标识语
设计是。Those of us who live in flats often suffer from silent envy of our luckier
friends with gardens. “If I only had so-and-so’s space, I would grow an herb garden…
” (or raise chickens, or rose bushes… you get the idea). 我们中的那些住在公寓,经常会羡
鸡,或玫瑰花丛…你知道我的意思)。Similarly, landed friends express guilt that they are
not able to get good use from their more generous spaces. 同样,朋友表达了而感到内疚他们
不能够得到良好的使用他们更慷慨的空间。Landfit is an organization that aims to solve this
problem by matching people who possess unused space with people who would put that space
to good use. Landfit是一个组织,旨在解决该问题的人拥有未用的存储空间匹配与那些会使空间充
分利用。In other words, Landfit is trying to create the ultimate win-win situation for
people all over the UK.换句话说,Landfit试图创造双赢的局面,人们最终全英国。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)
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