Posted on贴在 November 12, 20102010年十一月十二日||Category:类别: Logo Design News标志设计的新闻
With London firing up for the fast approaching Olympics, it seems that no opportunity to promote the event has been spared. 与伦敦蠢蠢欲动想快速接近奥运,似乎没有机会,以促进事件一直存活。Every corner seems to offer a different and more expensive souvenir or keepsake commemorating this important moment in UK history. 似乎每一个角落提供一个不同的更昂贵的纪念品或纪念品纪念这个重要的时刻在英国历史。The latest Olympic merchandise you can “buy” is a set of official UK coins featuring the twenty-nine different sports that are played in the Summer Olympics and Paralympics.最新的奥运会商品,您可以“买”是一套正式的英国硬币以不同的体育项目,29岁参加夏季奥运会和残奥会。
While the event logo for the London 2012 Olympics is哈密酒店LOGO设计而事件标志为2012年伦敦奥运会controversial有争议的to say the least, these coin designs tend to be on the conservative side. 至少可以这样说,这些硬币设计趋于保守。Each of them features simple, graphic depictions of the sports that they represent. 他们中的每一个结构简单的描写,图形的运动他们代表。As with all other UK money, the designs had to be approved by both the Treasury and the Queen even after winning the contest.与所有其它英国钱,设计必须经双方认可的财政部和女王即使赢得了比赛。
A variety of people entered the contest and just as diverse a group had winning designs. 各式各样的人进入比赛,正如多样化的集团中奖的设计。For example, a Buckinghamshire animator created the goalball design, while radiologists and other professionals from around the nation contributed the winners for other events. 例如,一个动画师创造了盲人门球白金汉郡的设计中,当放射科医师以及其他专业人士所做的贡献来自全国各地的赢家其他事件。In all, the event was quite popular, with 27,000 people from around the nation sending in entries for goalball alone. 总而言之,事件是相当受欢迎,有27000人从全国各地输送了作品盲人门球独自一人。With so many choices available, the designs that won were naturally good.有这么多可选择的设计,提供了自然是好。
The coins will be worth fifty pence and used just like any other type of money. 硬币的价值将五十便士和使用就像其他类型的钱。They have been approved by the Royal Mint Director of Commemorative Coin as well, making them a potential collector’s item. 他们已经批准的纪念硬币皇家造币厂主任,让他们一个潜在的收藏家的珍品。With souvenirs running a bit on the pricy side, these coins may be the most affordable Olympic souvenir available.与纪念品上有些要运行方面,这些硬币可能哈密酒店LOGO设计是最负担得起的奥林匹克哈密酒店标志纪念品可用。
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