Posted on贴在 November 17, 20102010年11月17日||Category:类别: Marketing营销
Although the government is cutting spending almost across the board, they are still going ahead with plans to bring lightning speed broadband internet to rural areas. 尽管政府缩减开支几乎在董事会,他们仍然会跟著计划进行宽带互联网带来闪电般的速度到农村地区。Areas including Cumbria, Herefordshire, Highlands, and North Yorkshire will be among the communities to get a trial run of this government sponsored internet service.包括,Herefordshire坎布里亚郡,约克郡,高地北部将在社区,克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州酒店标志设计以得到一个成功试运行该政府资助的因特网服务。
Many rural areas in the UK are still limited to slow and even unusable dial up internet because broadband is not available. 在英国许多农村地区仍限于缓慢甚至无法使用拨号网络因为宽带是不可用的。。Private companies will not lay the groundwork for this advance because it is not economically viable. 私人公司不会为这个进展奠定基础,因为它是经济上不可行。With about one third of the UK falling under this category, the government will be stepping in to correct the situation. 大约有一个第三的英国属于这一范畴,政府将会加强在来扭转这种局面。The BBC will be donating over half of the £530 million needed to complete the project.克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州酒店标志设计英国广播公司将会捐一半以上的£5.3亿需要来完成这个计划。
Government help is not the only way for frustrated UK communities to get the high speed internet that modern life demands. 政府帮助并不是唯一途径为沮丧得到英国社区高速因特网,现代生活需要。Some locales, such as Alston Moor in Cumbria, have pooled funds to create their own broadband network. 一些地区,如阿尔斯通在坎布里亚郡的荒野,集中资金来创造他们自己的宽带网络。In the case of Alston Moor, the residents paid for the installation of fibre optic cables and a mast to help them connect to the Telewest network in nearby Newcastle. 在案件的阿尔斯通摩尔居民支付的光纤电缆的安装和桅杆,来帮助他们连接到Telewest网络在附近的纽卡。This got them on the net, a goal that many communities in the UK share.这让他们在因特网上,一个目标,这个目标在英国许多社区分享。
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