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酉阳VI设计 告诉该新电视广告媒介影响和酉阳品牌。

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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-08-19 23:11:36 查看次数:

酉阳VI设计 告诉该新电视广告媒介影响和酉阳品牌。One in four people in the UK are ‘concerned’ about product placement, according to a new study by Marketing Week. 一个在四人在英国的关于产品的相关位置,根据一项新的研究营销的一周。One out of five say that they find this form of marketing a distraction and feel that it negatively affects their viewing experience. 一个说,他们发现这五个形式分散注意力和营销感觉他们的负面影响的视觉体验。However, a quarter of UK viewers said that product placement positively impacted their perception of a product. 然而,的英国观众说,置入性行销积极影响他们的知觉的一种产品。An additional 13 % said that they would be more likely to buy a product after seeing it in product placement, and it is this segment of the UK market that marketers and brands are hoping to reach.额外的13%说他们应该更可能购买一件产品,酉阳VI设计在看见它在产品的位置,而这部分的英国市场营销人员和品牌,希望能达成。

Learning to use product placement in a way that attracts the target audience without alienating them is the challenge facing many marketers and brands in the UK. 学习使用产品定位的方式吸引目标受众没有疏远他们面临的挑战是许多商家和品牌在英国。There will certainly be a learning curve involved as executives struggle to find and maintain this happy medium. 那里一定会有一个学习曲线涉及公司高管正在努力寻找和保持这种中庸之道。However, UK viewers will be made aware of the product placement with the bold P然而,英国观众将意识到的产品定位和大胆的Plogo design标志设计ed by Ofcom. Ofcom了。This will allow viewers to quickly discern whether they are viewing a programme written for effect or for profit and react accordingly.这将使观众可以迅速辨别他们浏览节目写效果或利润和反应进行相应的调整。

One danger of product placement is that it may lose its efficacy. 一个危险是它置入性行销可能失去其效果。In places such as the United States where it is common, a large section of the viewing audience has become ‘immune’ to the marketing and does not even notice the brands before their eyes. 的地方,如美国,它是非常普遍的,一大段频道观众的免疫”已经成为营销,甚至不注重品牌,就在他们眼前。This phenomenon has been seen on the internet as well and is known as ‘ad blindness’.这种现象被看到在网路上,被誉为“广告失明”。

Can the UK use product placement effectively without interfering with the integrity or attractiveness of television? 能有效地使用产品定位的英国不会干涉完整或有魅力的电视吗?Only the future will tell how this new advertising medium affects television and brands.酉阳VI设计 告诉该新电视广告媒介影响和酉阳品牌。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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