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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-10-14 23:28:51 查看次数:


11. 投标人工商营业执照副本(原件或具有同等法律效力的证明文件)
22. 税务登记证复印件
33. 设计服务提供商的资格声明函
44. 相关行业领域的实践经验,并提供说明和相应资料
55. 投标人认为需要说明的其它内容
66. 其它五、有关投标产品设计服务文件,包括:
71. 后续服务体系、服务保证及服务承诺
82. 投标方综合实力说明(酒店标识设计公司背景材料、基本业务介绍、公司优势及经济实力等)
93. 项目时间进度方案和建议计划(采用MS-PowerPoint 演示介绍)
104. 资源配备六、投标单位(设计服务提供商)反商业贿赂承诺书份。

本授权书声明:注册于(地区的名称)的(公司名称),在下面签字的法人代表(姓名、职务)  ,代表本公司授权在下面签字的(被授权人的姓名、职务)为本公司的合法代理人,
就 (项目名称) 的投标,以本公司的名义处理一切与之有关的事务。本授权书于20 年月 日签字生效,特此声明。

How to write proposals, how to prepare tender documents in order

 First, order the preparation of tender documents
 Bidder shall be the following order and binding tender documents: one, two tender letter, legal and authorized representative of the original power of attorney on behalf of identification scanned three bid summary four bidders qualification documents, including:
 11 bidders a copy of business license (or have the same legal effect as the original supporting documents)
 22 tax registration certificate
 33 design service provider's qualification statement letter
 44 practical experience in related industries, and provides instructions and the corresponding data
 55 bidders other content that should be explained
 66 the other five, the tender documentation design services, including:
 71 follow-up service system, service assurance and service commitment
 82 shows the overall strength of the bidder (company background, basic operations, the company benefits and economic strength, etc.)
 93 program and the project schedule proposed scheme (using MS-PowerPoint presentation description)
 104 resources with six bidders (design service providers) were anti-commercial bribery undertaking.

 (B) the legal representative of the power of attorney form (submitted separately)
 This authorization statement: Registered in (region name) (company name), the legal representative of the undersigned (name, title), on behalf of the Company's authorized signature below (authorized person's name, position) of the Company legal representative,
 On the (project name) bid, on behalf of the Company to deal with all matters relating thereto. The power of attorney signed into effect in 20 years on, are hereby acknowledged.
 Legal Representative Signature
 Signed by an authorized person
 Legal tender units authorized representative signature (seal): Note: This table together with the original bid documents individually packed in the same sealed envelope.
 (D) a statement on eligibility letter

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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