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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-12-06 21:21:37 查看次数:




    我们在制作之前,根据设计好的尺寸,在选好的不锈钢板上,或是大理石的结合等,每边都放上几毫米的余量,做上标记点,进行剪裁, 剪裁好的不锈钢板四边往往有毛刺,要用锉刀把它锉掉,锉完后用手摸一下,边缘光滑,就可以了。肯多这些都不做了那就是工艺很差的了,多花这么一点点时间也是非常有必要的。


Hotel signage need to make a film after effects

    Hotel signage Films produced the film companies generally get specialized in brand identity among these ideas, by their use of laser printing, exposure, and other craft were fusing to get. Hotels in the production of identity cards, we need to do is to get back to film after film carefully check, comparison of these several times and writing process for what is right to see and original are the same, another film film is clean and thorough, very clear lines and edges. This step is very important, otherwise the wrong change on the poor, and this is a very important one of the key.

1, the hotel signage production and material selection board, which is the embodiment of quality standards.
     Hotel signs of sheet metal production are: copper, stainless steel, titanium plates, etc., we want them to understand clearly, we must see the actual sample, the characteristics of each metal sheet varies, can be signs of different styles for the hotel , select the appropriate sheet. Also need to compare with the scene, whether it matched. The advantages of corrosion resistant stainless steel is commonly used in the production of sheet metal hotel signs. Now we choose the thickness of 0.3 mm, etc., a variety of materials must first determine a good combination of these materials.

2, the hotel signage production cut and trimming
    Before we make, according to design a good size, in selecting a stainless steel plate, or a combination of marble, etc., are placed a few millimeters on each side of the margin, label the points, to cut, cut a good stainless steel edges tend to have glitches, use the rasp to file it away, after filing to touch the smooth edge on it. These are not willing to do more than that is poor process, and spend so little time is also very necessary.

3, making decontamination hotel signage
    In our care, each of these steps require the product to protect them, the stainless steel plate on the water soaked, put some detergent behind the surface, scrub with a clean cloth stainless steel surface of the oil three to four times After the rinse, wash the surface of the stainless steel plate, and after the procedure will not affect the smooth progress. This is very concerned about the management of plant health points.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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