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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-12-07 23:08:18 查看次数:




Hotel signage stainless steel plate processing surface of the craft to share!

     The dry hotel signage what skills do some work, such as with dry with a hair dryer to clean the surface of stainless steel a good residual water droplets dry, do not leave water spots. These identity cards to prevent these do not easily damaged, resulting in eutrophication.
     Some hotel signage etched pattern is needed, it is how to make the principle of it? Hotel stainless steel plate production, mainly to complete the etching process. It's etched principle is:

     Here we must note that when the hotel signage systems to produce the material and thickness, which represents the thickness of steel plate, we first of its surface evenly coated with a layer of corrosion-resistant light-sensitive ink, put a film in the above film, for UV exposure, through film on the transparent part of the film with UV light-sensitive ink from a chemical reaction, the formation of alkaline resistant coating, film negatives black ink is light-sensitive part of the following impatience weak base. These deal with, take film negatives, the stainless steel plate soaked in alkaline sodium carbonate solution, intolerance weak base part of the coating will react with sodium carbonate solution and off, where the bare metal on the out, stainless steel plate will be showing a pattern. This is what we usually see some very nice hotels patterns, can be done in the hotel's logo on the card, creating a uniform style of the hotel, in its negative paste layer anti-corrosion protective film, put it into the etching machine, the use of ferric chloride solution, washed with stainless steel plate exposed to the surface of ferric chloride solution in the ferric ion rapidly oxidized, etched stainless steel this part, we can clearly see the macro, local stainless steel plate was etched down, and in some production can be repeated, let it produce different results, this image of the hotel signage also need to pay attention to the surface of the light, not spent, so as not to fine the.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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