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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-01-02 23:26:50 查看次数:






Professional sign company in the identification process and the production process when the basic!

     Identify how to make time with a liquid preparation!
     As some companies make the identification process is used etchant is ferric chloride solution. It's part of Baume concentration is very important in the etching, a direct impact on the speed of etching. The appropriate concentration of 38-40 Baume degrees.
 Concentration is measured; the ferric chloride solution to the slender measuring cup, insert Baume meter, it is next to the value of surface concentration of Baume.

     Identify the production ratio of the concentration, the concentration is now 42 degrees Baume, and some too strong, we can be diluted with water, mixing evenly, the sample re-measured. If Baume concentration is too low, you can add high concentrations of ferric chloride solution. Baume concentration deployment of suitable, into the etching machine cabinets, the lid cover.

    Standard system of knowledge production to boot, etching machine using a 380V power supply. Turn on the power switch, power indicator light. Start the acid pump, so that ferric chloride solution in the machine cycle, observe the thermometer may not exceed 50 degrees. Press the belt switch, the whole test run.

     How good sign production process, test swing carved this etching machine precision variable speed conveyor belt can, scouring the length of time can be adjusted here. Etching machine in normal operation, the first I put a feeding trial with engraved stainless steel plate, it will slow conveyor belt into the machine. Etching press switch, the machine began to spray nozzle ferric chloride solution, it is essentially constant pressure. Ferric chloride solution constantly scouring the surface of stainless steel plate, the solution of ferric ion rapidly oxidized stainless steel plate, stainless steel plate was etched on the go. How to make is how to begin. You are such a production company to visualize.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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