在我们制作标识牌的时候大约3分钟后, 我们可在出料口拿到试刻的不锈钢板,用手试摸一下蚀刻的深浅程度,如果手指上感到有点高低的感觉,这时的深度在大概在0.1毫米,就可以开始正式蚀刻。这是制作标识牌的基本原测.
创意分业的工作就是这里的时候,深圳标识牌把坚好膜 并在反面贴上了防腐保护膜的那二块不锈钢板放在入料口的合适位置,按下蚀刻开关,蚀刻机就开始对不锈钢板进行蚀刻, 3分钟后,我们就在出料口看到了的这两块不锈钢板,仔细检查一下,像这样就达到了我们要求的蚀刻效果。我们标识牌的冲刷时候就需要非常好的师付来解决这一个问题。
Identity cards washed the length of time will determine the depth of etching the word sign.
When the identification card production are some tips: If etched too deep, to raise the conveyor speed ahead: If etched too shallow, to reduce the forward speed conveyor belt.
Production of identity cards in our time about 3 minutes later, we can try to get the discharge port of the stainless steel plate engraved, hand touch etching test the degree of difficulty, if the fingers are feeling a bit low, then the depth of the about 0.1 mm, we can officially etching. This is a production of the basic principles of measuring signage.
Sign etched on the job officially here.
Creative sub-sector job is here, a good film and the strong negative labeled anti-corrosion protective film that two stainless steel plate on the right into the discharge port position, press the switch etching, etching machine began to stainless steel etching, 3 minutes later, we saw the spout of which two stainless steel plates, carefully check, so as to meet our requirements etching effect. The erosion of our identity card when you need a very good teacher pay to solve a problem.
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