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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-01-07 23:34:23 查看次数:






Corporate brand image design some of the provisions made ​​for signage

     Corporate brand identity in the production function and the need to pay attention to those materials, let the cause based on the need for those features yet. Good first etched stainless steel plate into the water, with a clean cloth to wash away the ferric chloride solution. Then put into another Shengyou Qing water container, a few swings, the surface clean, then paste the corrosion of stainless steel plate protective film negative to tear up these two stainless steel plates, placed filled with solid sodium hydroxide containers, the ratio of about 1:10 to join seven, eighty-degree water, swing container, so full of sodium hydroxide dissolved. We can see, two stainless steel plate residual film will slowly recede all. Swing to the temperature of twenty or thirty degrees, and it can take a clean cloth to scrub them clean. Then placed in Shengyou Qing stainless steel bucket for rinse water.

     Our brand of creativity is needed to achieve this target votes, semi-finished etching plate is a good hotel like this. Let it dry on the line. Third, post-processing to make the hotel sign semi-finished products processing, post-processing is also essential.

     Signs of the production is from here some of the provisions of the. This link is mainly electroplating. Plating is the use of direct current role, so that semi-finished metal electrolytic reaction in solution, resulting in its surface, evenly attached to a thin layer of another metal or alloy. Now local governments are set, electroplating plating only by a professional company to carry out. So for electroplating, we just introduced its single process. (A) electroplating plating before signs semi set aside in the hotel where, with a bench drill drill holes, the conductive wire can pass through a small hole in the tie from the other end leaving enough length.

    Sign production plating generally have multiple sessions, may be needed.
    The production of signs will be 4 hours before plating plating bath on the total power, making signs to warm up.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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