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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-01-29 21:44:03 查看次数:






Hotel designers talk about how life vocational planning?

     As everyone should have a certain amount of life, career planning, the designer's life in the hotel on the road, the hotel is how the career planning it?

     Hotels in the industry how to plan their own it, as the hotel industry, career planning, we can put in school have learned to break down some of the business planning career planning as a whole have to plan together, each person view of the road of life is felt, the professional managers of each reflected on the moral, the hotel's designer VI refers to the organization or individual to individual development and organizational development by combining personal career decision factors, organizational factors and social factors were analyzed to develop a designer's life on the road.

     The designer's plan to develop the hotel, in the New Year and have a good plan about the development goals in life, some things do the best for the individual life in the career development of strategic vision and planning arrangements. Efforts to develop open step by step, let us develop plans for the fun of life together, in the general plan, career planning can be a personal and business point of view is divided into two aspects, the beginning of your personal interests your life for a particular project as a development goal of this plan to do in life, slowly moving in this direction for learning, the development of life on the road to open plan. Allow enterprises to develop new goals, new life on the road to reach a certain amount of very reliable some of the requirements.

     And personal career planning that is in the organization's development plan, is a person's life work experience, especially vocational, job changes and work to achieve the ideal of the whole process. We here in the main is to address their own life as a standard of the program on the company's development in the future, can these be open and let our professional lives have further development plans.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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