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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-01-31 22:42:00 查看次数:231





Sanming logo design, logo design company Sanming City, the development of the road!

     Sanming logo design development, urban development with Sanming City, closely associated with the three City today, the key development that is one of the cities of Fujian, is a development of urban coastal areas, where new hotels are very popular, some the rise of the hotel industry, the economy will follow a number of Sanming bring up.

 The logo design in Sanming evolving, we want to do bigger and stronger regional central cities, it would need Sanming city logo design and overall development plan, and only do the overall identity of Sanming City guides planning, it is Sanming region to accelerate economic and social development of the urgent needs, but also the overall advancement of the internal construction of the Economic Zone requirements. This year, Sanming City, logo design and planning, with Sanming City through planning guidance, policy support, multiple inputs, market and industry concentration, according to government support to develop the overall image of the city of Sanming City, Sanming logo design to expand urban space, more humane and holistic way.

     Sanming logo design in the direction of urban development: "North to expand the main, moderate South Extension, rational West", into the overall shape orderly urban planning, urban space in Sanming Shaxian jump to the development. New urban development will Sanming Shaxian regional spatial integration with a focus on integration of cities and counties, so the rationalization of the formation of a unified development, logo design we Sanming city on the overall planning, with the integration of regional industry in Fujian Yong'an the Cities Alliance focus on development strategy, as the overall plan of activities and development, logo design in three cities of the occasion of the development company, we strive to make these plans, and the times and Shenzhen logo design companies, Sanming cities to speed up development, logo design to speed up the construction of the city of Sanming Sanming City logo design and the construction of the city, working together to design the identity for the city of Sanming find development.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)



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