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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-10 14:16:50 查看次数:359

To create the basis of successful hotel marketing, hotel marketing concept to understand!
Connotation of the concept of hotel marketing
   Hotel marketing is marketing in the hotel industry, it is the idea of ??the hotel product, pricing, promotion and distribution plans for the implementation process to meet guests' needs and hotel goals. In understanding the hotel marketing business

Read, we should start to analyze the following aspects:
   1, all the business activities of the hotel guests' needs as a starting point and destination, hotel marketing activities of the primary task is to find. Guests already have, what lack I yet, there must be a gap between the two. Guests need to

What they are on their own needs have been meet their needs and make a profit.
   2, the hotel marketing guests at the core, the maintenance of the guests interests, hotel interests and social interests of the organic unity. This is a future-oriented, focusing on the concept of sustainable development. To guide the hotel for business long

Far the development has an important impact.
   3, hotel marketing is a continuous management activities, management activities exist in the whole process of running the hotel, which is the hotel to use all available resources, products, channels, price and promotion initiative to change the wine

Shop initiative to adapt the internal and external environment, which can only be seen as an element of marketing management.
   4, the hotel marketing is a dynamic process, including analysis, planning, implementation, feedback and control links, the hotel marketing should steps should be orderly, step by step to do.
   5, in the hotel marketing, marketing research plays a key role. Hotel marketing ultimate goal is to meet the needs of the guests, which must resort to a variety of related information. These information are very numerous, for example, environmental factors,

Characteristics of the guests, guests' needs, other hotel marketing strategy, product, price and so on. This information to understand and master has provided a guarantee for the hotel on the internal and external environmental changes, deal with the increasingly fierce market competition, marketing research is to obtain information

The main way.
   6, full marketing hotel marketing occupies a very important position, it requires must work as a team, sincere cooperation among the various departments within the hotel, which is fundamental to the success of hotel marketing alone, a division of the marketing department can not

Independently assume all marketing activities.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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