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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-11 13:14:12 查看次数:

Knowledge of one of the hotel marketing concept!
The evolution of the concept of the hotel market operators
   The hotel market business concept is the guiding ideology of the hotel market from operating activities is the starting point of the hotel business activities. Business concept, business tools and methods, and associated economic benefits. Concepts belong to the ideological range

Domain, it has evolved with the social and economic development. The hotel's business concept along with the development of society and the hotel industry has also gone through a process of evolution. This process has gone through five stages: (1) production-oriented; (2) product-oriented; (3) marketing

Oriented; (4) marketing oriented; (5) social marketing-oriented. Determine the major factor in the evolution of the hotel's business concept development of productive forces, scientific and technological progress, market competition, market demand increases, modern management, and social values

The concept of change.
1, the production wizard
   Production wizard concept is a traditional and old business ideas. Hotel early stages of development, due to the small size and low production efficiency reasons, hotel products and services is difficult to meet the needs of the guests, the hotel market is typical of a seller's market, hotel market

Good position on the guests' needs in an important position. At that time, the hotel is shabby, narrow scope of business, a limited number of rooms, and the constant stream of customers came to lodging, but the shortage of hotel products and services, passenger

People just have a place to stay, even if the facilities are simple, general food and beverage, it is also satisfied. The hotel prevalent is the "product-centric" concept of operations, this concept that: "My hotel has to offer, the sale of what

. "Hotel the focus of attention focused on the expansion of production, reduce costs, in order to obtain more profits, rarely consider changes in demand among the guests, to improve the facilities and services, improve service quality and other aspects, basically will not be considered. Shop

In order to provide guests what to buy.
    China's reform and opening up, rapid tourism development, a sharp increase in the number of tourists, many tourist destinations are the shortage of hotel. In addition to the off-season outside, hoteliers almost never worry about tourists. Serious short supply so that

Get hoteliers common production-oriented concepts.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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