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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-16 14:14:15 查看次数:

Analysis of environmental impact of hotel marketing.
Well-known hotel "Golden Week" encounter "atypical pneumonia"
    Shanghai Pudong, a well-known five-star hotel brand management advantages, as well as adjacent FI venue, room occupancy rate has remained above 90%. 2003 "May Day" Golden Week, because China and Asia the SARS epidemic.

World Health Organization published around the world to the SARS outbreak notice request to travel to preventive measures and was forced to cancel many of the originally planned booking rooms, all carefully planned marketing activities were suspended, the hotel guests stay only a rare 5

, The minimum occupancy of the hotel since its opening, the hotel suffered unprecedented losses.
"Financial crisis" affecting the hotel industry
    The global financial crisis erupted in 2008 in the national accommodation catering industry has been gradually emerging in key cities, industries, corporate performance is more obvious, and has shown a trend to spread to the industry and more and more serious.
    Beijing, Shanghai affected the most serious, since November 2008, the average high-star hotel in Shanghai out of rough has dropped by 10 to 15 percent, although the average house price fell less, but as some companies began to sharply lower prices to attract customers source

, Average house prices drop a widening trend. Rapid increase in hotel supply due before the Olympic Games, the Beijing market impact of financial crisis is magnified depending on the hotel source structure, the average occupancy rate and average house prices decline 30% to 50%, 5% to 3%

And so on. The most obvious to the international tourist market-based international brand of upscale hotels, occupancy rates fell by as much as 50%.
Xinjiang tourism industry has suffered serious losses by the "7.5" incident
    11 in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Tourism Bureau, Ina Wood is Si Erding Urumqi "7.5" incident to the tourism industry in Xinjiang in 2009 caused serious damage and far, to cancel the travel team has reached 1450, involving

And 85000, including 4396 foreign guests. Ina Wood is Sier Ding said at a news conference, said the first half of this year, Xinjiang received at home and abroad who travel more than 960 million people, an increase of more than one. But "7.5" event to

Xinjiang tourism has brought immeasurable loss.
PR government, business hotel "robbing the water is
    Guangzhou Hotel was originally a business hotel, with the increase in the number of Guangzhou Business Hotels, market competition is fierce, hotel marketing and management trouble. In order to open a new way to the hotel and seek greater development, hotel sensible decision to use

Good relations with government departments, the creation of the first standardized services with a distinctive official reception, the official activities of personnel, equipment and procedures, the Guangzhou Hotel occupies most of the official hotel market in Guangzhou, the hotel occupancy rate

And profitability has been greatly improved.
Thinking and Problems
    1, according to the above case, the analysis of hotel marketing process by which factors?
    2, good hotel marketing environment analysis, what specific steps and methods? Which require special attention?

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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