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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-20 14:12:49 查看次数:

 Hotel VI to design the questionnaire investigation skills!
A fact
    The factual problem is to ask respondents to answer some question of fact. For example: When do you usually watch TV?
    The main purpose of the factual problem is to strike the factual information, so the words in the problem definition must be clear, respondents to understand the correct answer.
    Market research, many questions are factual questions, such as responder individuals subfolders: occupation, income, family status, living environment, education degree. These problems, also known as "classification problems", according to information obtained by the respondents classified. In the questionnaire, usually the factual issues on the back so as not to answer in the answer to the issue of personal scruples, thus affecting subsequent answer. If the sampling method is the use of quota sampling, classification issues should be placed in the questionnaire first, otherwise do not know whether the respondents meet the sample conditions.
(2) observations of the problem
    Often asked in the questionnaire, some of the views or attitudes of the respondents.
    For example: Do you like XX Hotel?
    Views on issues is a matter of fact, namely the attitude survey questions. Obviously also a need to be resolved whether the respondents were willing to express his real attitude, of course, to consider the attitude strength have different measure of its strength from the answers. Generally speaking, the respondents will be problems with the wording and the order, and react differently, and therefore the answer has also been the Department of For factual questions, answers with known data can be compared. Views on sexual issues is more difficult to make work, the response by the respondents on the same problem, so the views of issues design than the fact that difficult problems. This problem is usually handled in two ways: one is the answer to the issues of the views expressed as a percentage, for example, some respondents to agree with a view, and so; the other rules designed to measure the attitude of the respondents, it can be The answer turned into scores.
3 trapped Cave sexual problems
    Trapped Cave of sexual problems, the respondents do not want to answer in front of the investigators on certain issues, such as personal problems, or not accepted by the general social and moral behavior, attitude, or is hindered reputation. For example: on average, every month you play a few times mahjong? If your car is a hire purchase, is divided into how many? You to purchase a share of Bank Secured loans? In addition to your income from work, there are other income?
    If you must find the answers to trapped Cave sexual problems, but also to avoid answering for false to answer the following methods can be used:
    (1) indirect method. Not directly ask the respondents' views on a matter, instead of mosquito views on how the matter.
    For example: the problem indirectly aimed at taking the response considered to be the point of view of others. So he answered, should be immediately coupled with the question: "you with their views?"
    (2) The card sorting method. Trapped the answer to the question of the cave is divided into "yes" and "no" categories, the investigators may be temporarily away, so that the respondents take the card to put into the box, in order to reduce the hardship of the cave atmosphere. Respondents investigators watched case, the possibility to select the correct answer will increase a lot.
    (3) random reaction. According to the random reaction, we can estimate the number of people to answer the problem of trapped cave.
    (4) concluded that problem. Some problems to assume that the respondents have been the kind of attitude or behavior.
     For example: Do you smoke a day how many cigarettes? The fact that respondents are most likely to simply not smoke, this problem was to conclude that sexual problems. The correct way to deal with this problem is to conclude that sexual problems before plus a "filter" problem.
     For example: Do you smoke?
     If respondents answered "yes", continue to ask it makes sense to conclude that sexual issues should be stopped, otherwise in the filtering problem after.
    (5) hypothetical questions. There are many issues to assume that Italy, and then asked the respondents in that case, he will take what action.
     For example: If the XX hotel prices prices to 500 yuan / room, you will change to look at another hotel prices?
     XX hotel room for decline in value, are you willing to stay?
     Are you willing to raise?
     Do you agree that the hotel VI design to improve their services?
     All of the above is a hypothetical question, respondents to this problem the majority of "yes". This to detect the future behavior of the respondents, the answers of the respondents in fact did not make much sense, because most people are willing to try something new, or get some new experiences.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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