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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-28 10:27:54 查看次数:

  Hotel marketing by the second of the socio-cultural, population, natural environment and influencing factors:
(1) social and cultural
    Social and cultural environment factors refer to a country or region of the national identity, cultural traditions, values, religion, educational level, social structure, customs and other circumstances. Influence and dominate the way people live, a leading demand, consumption structure and way. Therefore, the hotel marketing activities in response to consumer groups in different countries or regions must be aware of local cultural contexts.
2 Population
The population of hotel marketing environment is multifaceted, often including population, demographic composition, growth rate, level of education, district and regional liquidity and other factors.
    Income close to the conditions of the population determines the capacity of the market. With economic development, mass tourism awareness enhancement, will definitely increase the number of travel, live hotel will also increase the number. The size of the population growth will create a strong market potential, which is a hotel marketing activities should be important factors.
    Different stages of the age structure is often manifested in different consumer trends and spending power. Young people are receptive to new things, full of curiosity, adventure, like going out, despite their purchasing power is not strong, but the number of high frequency, is the major source for some cheap or budget hotels; more newlyweds tourism, honeymoon travel expenditures for hotel services and shopping and spending more; with young children in household consumption spending and disposable time are subject to greater restrictions, have a greater impact on the adjustment of the hotel marketing strategy, many hotels for promotional purposes, additional infants, young children activity room in order to attract the consumer of their parents; middle-aged disposable time and income space, and bear the higher duties at work, business dealings and family spending power may become an important source of business hotels . Old-age income is relatively stable, decreased desire to go out and travel, the relatively small number of shopping and consumption.
    Population in the regional and interregional liquidity often determines the capacity of the region's tourist market. Thus some of the big city airports, docks, railway stations and other large amount of population flow area, are likely to become a centralized area of ​​the hotel.
(3) of the natural environment
    Natural environment, including natural resources, environment and physical environment.
    The environment is not only a greater degree of natural resources affects the image of the hotel depends on tourist attractions, the scenic resort hotel, the natural resources is the decisive factor in hotel marketing activities. Quality tourism resources to attract more tourists, increase the length of stay of tourists brought more tourists to the hotel industry.
    Material resources and the environment is a hotel management and operation of the necessary material support, an important part of the hotel operating costs, such as water, electricity, coal, and so on. Once the daily necessities of certain materials shortages, will give the hotel business is significantly affected, some resource-poor areas, the hotel in the purchase of these materials, the need to increase the corresponding costs, thereby improving hotel operating costs, affecting the hotel competition force.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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