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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-18 14:07:54 查看次数:


Children The hotel designed the new product development and marketing
Product innovation - children hotel hotel new darling of
    Chicago Hyatt Hotels Corporation to carry out the 7-year-old children's camp Hyatt, Hyatt Group activities provide children with a full set of well-designed. The activities of the contractor, director of the ANN Ms. said: "Caring for children is not only look after their education our activity room." She added: "Many parents want their children to participate in a meaningful activity." In fact, attention to children, has become more and more hotels common choice.
    Holiday Inn in 1995, "Children's Suite" promotion offered two hotels in Florida, the suite is a family activity-centered design. Suites with children's entertainment room, two children's bed, a wall beds and is equipped with TV, VCR, VCD, alarm clock, and children's play telephone. Florida Holiday Inn room, there are 91 children's suite, general rooms priced 50 to $ 60, children's suite price of $ 92! $ 158.
    In Sao Paulo, Brazil, there are several children the hotel. The customers of these hotels range from 3 months to 6 years old, they can stay in a hotel one day a long time, can also live in the days half. Children the hotel to the children when the guests look at not only maintain an order of the pleasant atmosphere of children, and care about each child and respect for their individuality. This hotel with professional teachers, trained nurses, doctors, nurses, chefs and management staff, the organization for children's activities, so that in a hotel during a long exposure, knowledge and skills.
    Japan's first "Children's Hotel" appeared in the 1970s of the last century, was mainly for the care of the bar waitress, nightclub girl's offspring, so the bad reputation. In recent years, this situation has been great changes, some in the business, Ms., nurses, secretaries, professors, and so also his daughter sent to the "Children's Hotel".
    Austria's "Baby Hotel" and a special reception from all over Europe crying impermanence guests and their parents. The hotel not only cribs, high chairs, potty, potty chairs, play room and a bar, of course, supply the baby's special "cocktail".
Thinking and Problems
    ① case of each hotel what the theme of the new product, from what you get inspired by what the concept of heart?
    The ② carrying out the specific measures taken by the hotel development process of the same subject, these hotels have their own what are the characteristics?
    ③ group discussion: Each team member own a hotel of new product ideas, and then we discuss which one of the most market appeal and feasibility of the press hotel new product development program, to complete new product development and design of the hotel for a group book.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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