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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-01 10:30:31 查看次数:

The concept of so-called carbon-neutral, low-carbon green hotel
    URBN Hotels is located in Shanghai Jiaozhou Road, first brought the concept of "carbon neutral". So-called carbon-neutral, that is, all the energy consumed by the hotel, including employee commuting, food and beverage delivery and guests use a variety of energy, are recorded and the cumulative calculation of emissions from heavy volume;, the hotel will be through investment in green energy development and emission reduction projects, to purchase credits to its carbon emissions. Hotel guests can also choose to buy carbon credits to offset their flight carbon emissions. For example, to fly from Beijing to Shanghai, by calculating the consumption of carbon emissions equivalent to 25 yuan, the hotel on behalf of the guests this 25 yuan to invest in Inner Mongolia, somewhere in the forest, the coming year, in Inner Mongolia will be more than one is used to carbon offset tree.
    The hotel is a transformation from a post office in 1970 from the internal use of the recycling of old materials. In an external window design a garden, towering trees and outdoor garden coffee. The bamboo design is to take the species of bamboo. Into the hotel lobby backdrop splicing formed by many old suitcase, stylish and full of personality. The corridor walls of the personality is actually a paste into the slices of old brick partition wall is tile after the design is the cumulative, overall effect was great. The decoration of the hotel's restaurant, the recycling of green personality can be seen everywhere. Rooms indoor cabinets and floors are made of recycled wood, brush above the green paint.
    In URBN of design, the designer joined the many elements of environmental protection, in addition to the four recycling of old floors, old brick do floor and wall decoration, VRBN also room defined in order to "do not wear shoes zone", thus eliminating the need for carpet, to reduce the detergent bring pollution. In addition, the hotel industry to the bathtub from the shower room "liberation", in order to avoid the waste of the guests on the water. In addition, low energy consumption of a variety of electrical appliances, green paint, double-glazed green light elements can be seen everywhere.
    URBN rooms are designed to completely break the general concept of "standard" hotel, settlement sofa leisure area is an innovative, circle the couch can easily accommodate 10 or more. Large low double bed and placed against the wall, but the face of natural light display, four weeks to stay out of the aisle. The lines of the ups and downs in space With layering, lighting design is rich and soft.
    In fact, like VRBN, personalized, pay attention to the hotel a unique sense of design, personalized service the hotel has been advertised tailored throughout Europe, but in China or something new. Because China is mostly the choice of people to flaunt their quality of life rely on luxury goods such as brand name and popularity of five-star hotel, environmentally friendly hotel is usually not "businessmen" or pay attention to reputation in the price segment. In social development, China is in need of such design, avant-garde fashion personality, seemingly luxurious decoration, but it is the least environmentally friendly materials made. Simple but grade environmental design to meet the needs of Chinese consumers enjoy while at the same time achieve environmental results.
    The first domestic policy implementation of the "carbon credits" to buy "carbon neutral" green hotel CRBN in Shanghai. According to reports, the hotel has a total of 26 rooms, usually one from the U.S. West Coast customers to the hotel accommodation, if you take the initiative to buy "carbon credits", the need to pay the cost of only dozens of yuan relative to the hotel from 1000 to 3000 yuan one night's accommodation, it seems insignificant. However, this service due to the purchase of "carbon credits" is not mandatory, so since the hotel opened, there is no guests take the initiative to buy yet.
    In this regard, the hotel VRBN the person in charge: the guests the reason why the main reason to buy 'carbon credits', on the one hand, the environmental protection concept of 'carbon credits' in the public awareness is not high, on the other hand stay competing for business travelers, travel arrangements, some of the guests at the front desk may only take a few minutes, check-out well to leave immediately after the staff may be too late to explain in detail the related services. "
    Environmentally friendly hotel in the public awareness is still low, most people still choose to travel when the hotel the morning. According to a survey of environmentally friendly hotels, almost all respondents on the concept of environmental protection have expressed support, most of whom will be considered in the morning, the travel choose environmentally friendly hotel, but most people the concept of eco-friendly hotel still not clear.
    In other countries, similar to the concept of environmental protection hotel also gradually introduced, such as the GAIA hotel built by the United States, California, is the world's first officially recognized Gold Green Building, and another more famous environmental Kandala-ma Hotel hidden in the depths of the forest of Sri Lanka ... but played only a handful of "carbon neutral" signs Hotel in the world.
    The experts said, "carbon neutral" as a new form of hotel services, they promote environmental philosophy in the public awareness and recognition are not high, plus the price of such hotel is more expensive for the average hotel Therefore, let the majority of people agree with this concept also need a fairly long process.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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