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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-06 16:28:42 查看次数:

The hotel products are subject to many factors, controllable factors and uncontrollable factors affect the price of the hotel product
    The hotel price should be formulated by a number of factors, these factors can be divided into controllable factors and uncontrollable factors into two categories, controllable factor is that marketers have the ability to adjust the control of the pricing, and vice versa is not controllable factors .
(A) controllable factors
1 cost
    The cost for hotel pricing basis in order to ensure smooth production achieved through the sale of the hotel it is necessary to recover the cost, but also to obtain a certain profit. The hotel cost of the product is the lowest point of the hotel pricing in a normal market environment. In general, in the case of constant costs, hotel prices and hotel profits is proportional to higher prices, the profits of the hotel product; lower the price, the lower the profits of the hotel product. The low cost hotel companies in the effective room for adjustment in the pricing in the market competition more favorable, it is easier to get good economic benefits. However, excessive force to cut costs but also make the product quality can not be guaranteed, hotel marketing, pricing should be according to their own situation to determine an appropriate cost pricing.
(2) pricing objectives
    Hotel pricing objectives for pricing by pointing out the direction, the pricing also must be based on the pricing objectives set prices so as to achieve the initial goal. At the same time, the hotel pricing objectives, along with specific pricing method is also different. Pricing must have a clear understanding of the pricing objectives of their hotel and choose to fight for the pricing method, in order to work out the price for the hotel.
3 Hotel Features
    The characteristics of the hotel product has a great influence on the pricing of hotel products. Hotel product characteristics, including whether the innovative quality of the products, features, services, and whether appealing to consumers; including the quality of the product's reputation, the impact of associated products. If the product is unique, good reputation in the market less vulnerable to the constraints, can not easily be replaced, there will be more attractive products on the market, presented in short supply relationship between supply and demand, the price naturally higher than similar products of many. If a hotel without the characteristics of its hotel products less attractive, its marketing and pricing personnel often have to lower prices in a passive position in the market.
4 hotel marketing
    Marketing of hotel marketing personnel in determining one of the factors of the hotel product pricing. If the hotel sales capability, sales channels, and do not have to worry about high prices make our products to a large number of slow-moving, the hotel can put the price of their hotel pricing too high. Such as the ability to sell, or in the case of weak sales ability, should be appropriate to reduce prices in order to ensure a certain rate of sales.
(B) of uncontrollable factors
(1) competition in the market
    The business activities of the hotel is always subject to the constraints of the business activities of competitors. When the hotel's own product strengths too competitors, then the pricing would be less constrained by the opponent, to do more substantial adjustments in price according to their wishes, and not at a disadvantage in the competition, you can more substantial adjustment in price according to their wishes, and not at a disadvantage in the competition. But the competition is often closely related to market demand and supply, demand, the level of competition naturally reduce oversupply, competition intensified, the price of the small changes will cause changes in the competitive situation. In reality, the competitors take what kind of competitive prices, and how changes in the relationship between supply and demand do not think that can be controlled.
(2) the relationship between supply and demand
    The hotel source of demand instability, and the guests of different levels of price sensitivity is not the same, so the relationship of supply and demand on the market at any time change. The hotel as a party supply, oversupply, hotel pricing freedom is relatively small, on the contrary, it is larger.
Hotel brokers force
    Hotel intermediate constraints to a large extent with the formulation of the hotel price, hotel if over-reliance on brokers sales, itself becomes small degree of control of the pricing, or even to discuss pricing and brokers, hotels middle provider as an independent business travel sales channels to obtain high profits. The hotel should try to reduce dependence on middlemen, product pricing is only grasp in their own hands in order to achieve the hotel's business objectives.
(4) exchange rate
    Exchange rate, also known as the exchange rate or foreign exchange market price means the price ratio between two different currencies. Exchange ratio of the two countries, depending on the tourist destination of national institutions in national currencies, the exchange rate announced by the foundation. Change when a country's currency relative to other national currencies will occur along with changes, which also affected the tourist hotel products and price changes. If the value of its currency to rise, the hotel cost of the product will be reduced, so the hotel must continue to adjust product prices with the exchange rate movements.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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