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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-22 10:56:58 查看次数:

    酒店连锁较独立酒店vi设计一个突出优势就是:拥有自己的去 全国乃至全球性客房预订中央控制系统,能为其成员酒店提供集团内订房服务。而且与其他集团合作,使用其共同的预订系统资源。通过这一系统,可以在世界各地的成员酒店里办理其他成员酒店的客房预订。假日酒店、喜来登、希尔顿等国际连锁酒店都开设免费的预订电话,顾客通过它能随时了解该连锁内某一成员酒店的出租情况。如果需要预订无须放下电话便可得到预订确认,你可以知道你将住在哪个房间,里边有什么设施,房价是多少。有的酒店连锁成员其客房出租的四分之一甚至更多来自连锁集团的预订中心。
    集团拥有一个预订中心,其数据库储存各酒店客房使用情况、房价、会议设施、餐饮、娱乐及运动设施、客户档案等资料,订房中心、集体区域预订办事处及各成员酒店都可以迅速共享此信息资源。客人可在当地成员酒店或预订办事处预订异地或异国某成员酒店客房,工作人员通过电脑端终将客人预订要求传到预订中心,如该酒店的客房、房价等符合客人要求,工作人员可立即确认预订要求;如不符合,则向客人介绍其他成员酒店。这种预订系统要求成员酒店与预订中心联网,技术要求高,建立统一的互联网终端需要大量的资金与技术投入,同时也需要工作人员精通电脑与网络操作,对于一些发展中国家尚有一定难度。假日酒店连锁集团(Holiday Inn)采用HolidexⅢ系统和喜来登国际酒店集团ReservationⅢ都采用了这种集中型预订系统。但由于所有预订必须经过订房中心处理,有时会造成不必要的财力、人力和时间浪费。例如,一位客人在纽约预订芝加哥另一成员酒店的房间,订房工作人员将客人要求传送到集团的订房中心,再由订房中心将订房信息传送给芝加哥的酒店,以确定是否接受预订。而实际上直接拨通芝加哥成员酒店的电话,便可得到迅速的答复。
Independent chain hotel chain booking center
    The hotel chain independent hotel is a prominent advantage is: have their own national and global Reservation central control system for its member hotels to provide booking services within the group. And cooperation with other groups, using a common reservation system resources. Member hotels around the world through this system, you can apply for other members of the hotel room booking. Holiday Inn, Sheraton, Hilton International hotel chains have set up a free reservation telephone customers through it at any time a member of hotel occupancy in the chain. If you need a reservation booking confirmation can be no need to put down the phone, you can know that you will live to a room, inside facilities, the price is. Some hotel chain member of its rooms for rent quarter and even more from the reservation center of the chain.
    The hotel chain's reservation system can be divided into Group type and dispersion of two kinds:
   (1) Group-booking system
    The Group has a booking center, and its database is stored to the use of the hotel, prices, conference facilities, catering, entertainment and sports facilities, customer profiles and other information, reservation center, collective regional booking offices and members of the hotel can be quickly shared This information resource. Guests booking offices in the local members of the hotel or booking off-site or members of the exotic in a hotel room, the staff through the PC will eventually guests booking request reached the reservation center, such as hotel rooms, prices in line with the request, staff can immediately to confirm your reservation requirements; if not met, the other members briefed the guests on the hotel. The reservation system requires members of the hotel reservation center networking, technical requirements, the establishment of a unified Internet terminal needs a lot of money and technical input, and also requires staff proficient in computer and network operations, some developing countries there are certain difficulties. Holiday Inn chain (the Holiday Inn) Holidex III system and Sheraton International Hotel Group Reservation III have adopted such a centralized reservation system. All reservations must go through the booking center processing, sometimes resulting in unnecessary financial and human resources, and wasted time. For example, a guest book Chicago, another member of the hotel room in New York, Reservation staff will request sent to the Group Reservation Center Reservation Center reservation information is sent to a Chicago hotel to determine whether to accept reservations. In fact directly dial the phone, of Chicago, member hotels can get prompt responses.
   (2) the decentralized booking system
    Such a system is not unified by a Group Reservation Center apply for reservation services, contact the reservation center computer and reservation offices located around the world, instead of networking with the most hotels of the Group; the hotel will receive the set Housing requirements spread to the local booking offices, reservation offices handle local business. Decentralized booking system can be efficiently and economically within the regional booking requirements.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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