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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-08 10:15:51 查看次数:

Two, hotel advertising campaign to consider three questions?
Advertising campaign around a marketing objective, the hotel is bound to consider three main issues: information to be sent what information? Media, to choose what kind of media? Evaluation, how to evaluate advertising effectiveness?
   (1) Hotel advertising information
    Hotel advertising send a means of product and service information, and transmit information and how to send information will face. Relating to the advertising information selection and design of advertising messages here.
    The choice of advertising messages involving the hotel you want to tell the target audience what things. A hotel to attract guests of many factors, advertising If you would have to say, the result will not give the impression that any impression. Must be spread to all

Information of a serious choice, selected from a variety of factors, two kinds of guests the most attractive or the most competitive elements as the main content of the advertising communication.
    The design of the advertising messages is the message of the marketing staff according to the hotel, hotel marketing, internal and external environment, the use of advertising art means to shape the image of the transmission of information creation. Advertising design, including theme design, presentation design

Content, graphic design and technical design.
    Advertising design the key to success lies in the advertising creative advertising means of artistic expression. Critical of the advertising creative is a "new", a breakthrough, but also to give the audience a happy, excited to enjoy the arts; However, advertising

Creative must comply with the advertising goals of the hotel, in the minds of the audience shape the image of the hotel expect.
   (2) advertising media
    The hotel do the advertising, is bound to solve the selection media. Different media have their adaptability and limitations, should take full advantage of choice of media, the correct choice of the propagation time. Can grasp the main aspects of the following:
    First, advertising media must be compatible with the nature of the hotel product. For example, the hotel is the product of pure leisure, are not suitable in a pure advertising magazine for business travelers, should choose the travel magazine of the leisure class.
    Second, select the media must consider the fight for market segments. Hotel through marketing research to understand market segments, effective solution to touch the media types will do the advertising media on the possible solutions in the market segments touched. For example, hotels want to fight for business

Guests, you should consider advertising in the press of business classes, financial classes.
    Third, we must consider what kind of media suitable for the hotel cost of advertising budget and achieve the desired advertising effect.
    Fourth, the hotel in order to achieve a good advertising effect, must take into account the circulation or dissemination of the media as a basis for the evaluation of the media.
   (3) evaluation of the effectiveness of hotel advertising
    The hotel advertisements when the cost of a lot of advertising costs and expanded, any hotel can not ignore the effect of advertising, a comprehensive evaluation should be based on their inputs and produce and comparative advertising goals. Although the evaluation of advertising effectiveness is

Ex-post evaluation, but it can be on the basis of summing up the activities of the pre-effective guidance to the next step of advertising strategy.
    Evaluation of advertising effectiveness is divided into three areas: One is the evaluation of the advertising campaign; The second is the evaluation of the effect of advertising and promotion; evaluation of the effect of advertising image.   


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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