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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-23 13:28:22 查看次数:

What is the background and concept of the hotel Internet marketing?
    The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. With the rapid development of Internet technology and e-commerce, people's work life is inseparable from the network, online transactions and online shopping subverts the traditional thinking and business model. People through the network to not only improve the work efficiency, but also improve the quality of life. The Internet has become an indispensable element of social life today.
    The end of 2009, according to statistics released by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), China's netizens had reached 384 million, compared with the end of 2008, an increase of 86 million, an annual growth rate of 28.9 percent, the number of Internet users to further create history a new high. The number of sites reached 3.23 million, Internet penetration rate above the world average. At the same time, the Chinese Internet and online communication is also very active. According to statistics, China now has one million forum, blog more than 200 million every six people on a blog, Bowen more than four million Internet users every day new release. The huge number of Internet users, bringing huge business opportunities.
    Inseparable from the generation of hotel Internet marketing and the development of science and technology, changes in consumer values ??and hotel construction factors. First of all, the Hotel Select Network marketing is the inevitable development of science and technology. Development of science and technology, especially computer technology and the development of Internet technology has changed the distribution of information and receive change people's lives, work and learning, cooperation and exchange environment. How to use the network to more effectively promote the realization of individuals and organizations trading activities for the hotel is both an opportunity and a challenge. Secondly, selection and purchase of consumer demand. The face of change in consumer values, the hotel should make use of the network to provide consumers with various types of services to meet consumer demand. Third, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair warned that "can not access the Internet enterprises will face the risk of failure", in order to not be eliminated in the fierce market competition, the hotel industry, hotels competing network platform to develop Internet marketing.
The concept of hotel Internet marketing
    Hotel Internet marketing is the main content of the hotel e-commerce, Hotel Internet, using digital information and interactive online media, hotel products and services made to a range of business activities, to achieve the goals in the process of marketing a hotel.
    In 1963, Hilton Hotel, the United States to install an IBM small computers for the automated management of the hotel marks the modern IT use has begun to enter the hospitality sector. In 1965, the Holiday Inn Group has established an independent computer reservation system. Our country and century in the early 1980s, some hotels began to apply computer network technology to conduct an internal information management and business operations involving the vestibule, reception, cashier, inquiries, room booking, sales, catering, security, reports, door locks etc. The 20th century, the hotel e-commerce to flourish at a rapid pace in Europe and the United States, more than 90 percent of hotels have set up their own website; a lot of the hotel industry in China have Internet access, through the network to find their own customers to find products. provided a broad space for the network marketing.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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