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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-07-06 15:08:41 查看次数:

The hotel is a leading brand design, hotel marketing there are three types of what?
At present, the hotel's marketing department set up to have the following three types
Set up the marketing department by geographic region
    In accordance with the geographical area of the hotel customers to configure the Hotel sales force is more widely used in the hotel marketing department set a form. May appoint a sales staff dedicated to all customers within an area to sell the hotel. This can reduce the number of visits by sales, access mileage reduced to the shortest, and do not exist to which customers should be included within the terms of reference in which the sales staff dispute, in order to improve work efficiency. This form requires the sales staff is versatile, must understand the hotel all the products and services, and able to deal with a variety of customers.
Product and service categories to set the marketing department
    Operating a variety of products and services are often configured by product category sales force. Its biggest advantage is each responsible for certain types of products, the sales staff has a wealth of product knowledge. Thus enhance the competitiveness of such products, and a high level of sales. The sales staff directly responsible for sales of certain products, such products also help to develop the hotel with the leading edge of product developers. Products set the shortcomings of the marketing department to higher expenses in the same geographic area may pay the cost of two or more sales staff to sell, if the communication is inappropriate, likely to cause several compete for the same client, so that customers do not feel convenient.
Three market segments, setting the hotel marketing department
    This form is based on market segmentation based on different sales personnel responsible for different customer groups, it is a good hotel sales staff and customers to establish long-term business relationship, and easy to grasp the market needs and trends, which forms suitable for medium-sized city center hotel.
    The modern hotel marketing sales director, sales staff, the team coordinator.   


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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